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Japanese Classical Acupuncture: Introduction to Meridian Therapy, by Shudo Denmei
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Meridian therapy is a school of Japanese acupuncture which is distinguished by its emphasis on the classics, its utilization of the five-phase points in treating the root of disease, and the importance which it attaches to palpatory skills in diagnosis and point location. Japanese Classical Acupuncture: Introduction to Meridian Therapy is noted for the clarity and simplicity of its style, and is the most highly regarded introduction to this subject in Japan. The theoretical and historical basis, diagnostic framework and treatment strategies of meridian therapy are discussed in detail. The author provides a stepbystep introduction to pulse and abdominal diagnosis, and explains how to incorporate the concepts and techniques of meridian therapy into other styles of acupuncture. The text is interwoven with case histories and anecdotes from the author's lengthy practice. Extensively edited in collaboration with the author to fit the needs of Western acupuncturists, this book opens the door to Japanese classical acupuncture for Western practitioners.
- Sales Rank: #107687 in Books
- Brand: Brand: Eastland Press
- Published on: 2011-05-02
- Original language: English
- Number of items: 1
- Dimensions: 9.70" h x .70" w x 7.10" l, 1.25 pounds
- Binding: Paperback
- 264 pages
- Used Book in Good Condition
Language Notes
Text: English (translation)
Original Language: Japanese
About the Author
Shudo Denmei was born in Ohita, Japan in 1932. As a child he contracted pulmonary tuberculosis, but recovered through acupuncture and moxibustion treatments. He subsequently apprenticed to Miura Nagahiko (the acupuncturist who saved his life) and was trained in the Sawada style of acupuncture. He opened his own practice in 1959. Mr. Shudo began studying and applying the concepts of meridian therapy in his practice in 1968, and is now one of the leading instructors of the Japan Meridian Therapy Association, and a permanent member of its board. He is also president of the Traditional Japanese Acupuncture Society. His first book, Japanese Classical Acupuncture: Introduction to Meridian Therapy, has become a best seller in Japan and abroad. In 2010, Dr. Shudo was awarded the Order of the Rising Sun, Gold and Silver Rays, by the Emperor of Japan. This award is presented to a select group of people who have distinguished themselves in service to their country and community.
Most helpful customer reviews
8 of 8 people found the following review helpful.
clear, simple, elegant
By seagull
This is one of the most helpful acupuncture books I have read in a long time. As others have pointed out, the author is extremely humble, sharing with us the difficulties he had in learning meridian therapy, especially pulse diagnosis, and simplifying the learning process for the reader. It is rare that a book is clear enough to enable a practitioner to implement new techniques without personal instruction. But Shudo Denmei writes as someone who remembers his own struggles in learning these techniques and offers clear instruction and many helpful hints. For example, he takes the procedure for six-position pulse diagnosis and breaks it down into manageable steps to be gradually learned. He encourages confidence in the reader that even incorporating these methods on an incremental basis will still greatly help your patients.
I practiced acupuncture for 9 years before making the decision to home school my learning disabled son, allowing my certification to lapse because I was unable to continue seeing patients. Now, 15 years later, I am studying for the exam to have my certification reinstated. In the course of my studies, I have become more and more disenchanted with TCM and drawn to Japanese acupuncture. It has much in common with my background in the Worsley 5-Element tradition, especially in the emphasis on six-position pulse diagnosis and providing a root treatment rather than primarily treating symptoms. My 5-Element training emphasized treating the patient's CF (Causative Factor) to enhance the patient's overall well being in body, mind, and spirit rather than simply attacking symptoms; however, sometimes it seemed too heavily focused on mind and spirit and less on the body. While this is a great strength of the Worsley method (and often lacking in other traditions), I did not always feel sufficiently equipped to address certain physical symptoms or conditions. The author makes the point that, since the Qi that supplies all of our life processes is contained in and travels through the meridians, when we treat the meridians the entire person is affected, from the organs and all parts of the body to the psyche and spirit. My background had emphasized treating the CF using points ON the meridians, but this book has given me a shift in focus to the importance of the meridians themselves.
This is so simple and profound, but had become lost to me as I struggled with exam review texts on TCM, with its point formulas and complex patterns which are really more appropriate for herbal medicine. I was shocked to read that, prior to learning Meridian Therapy, Shudo Denmei himself had practiced acupuncture for years without ever taking pulses! Coming from the Worsley tradition, that seemed impossible for me to believe; in 5 Element acupuncture one could hardly plan or carry out a treatment or check progress without careful pulse diagnosis. And yet in my TCM studies, pulse diagnosis focuses mainly on quality and is primarily used to confirm the symptom-based diagnosis, rather than to discern and treat the relative balance of the meridians themselves. In TCM, one could truly get by without ever taking pulses, and therefore completely miss out on an amazing window to the inner state of the patient's entire being. Simply put, this book teaches the reader to balance the meridians which carry our life force, which in turn will affect all aspects of a person's well-being.
This book is a treasure and worth more than the dozens of books I must wade through for the exam. It reminds me how beautiful acupuncture can be, and that the simplest treatment carefully chosen based on precise diagnosis is far better than many needles. And of course, there is much more here than pulse diagnosis; abdominal diagnosis, meridian palpation, needling technique, and other techniques are explained and made immediately usable by the reader. Whatever tradition of acupuncture you practice, take the time to read this book. You will feel a sense of peace and fresh inspiration in your vocation as an acupuncturist.
43 of 44 people found the following review helpful.
By Jim Curry
My interest in oriental medicine is serious and long-standing, although I have not had the chance to study formally at an established school. Ancient texts are seldom available in translation and can be extremely difficult to understand when they are available. Many of the more modern texts are quite dogmatic. Like second-rate cookbooks, they may give varying results for the home cook. Shudo Denmei's book is a wonderful gateway. It gives a very understandable "big picture" view of acupuncture as it developed from its origins to the present time. It gives extremely practical ways for a student to begin both study and early clinical experience. Without translation from theory to actual practice, no such book is worth anything. This book is the most practical I have seen at making this transition to clinical experience possible. So, this is a wonderful place to begin. On the other hand, the author also outlines very clearly at least one respectable path to mastery of the higher complexities of acupuncture practice. The text can, then, guide a person through long stages of improving practice. There are other wonderful books (consider, as an example, Dr. Manaka's book), but I know of no other text that is nearly as helpful or as practical, particularly for a person like me. I have great desire, but I don't catch on easily. Thanks to the author.
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Five Stars
By Cowgirl818
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