Kamis, 14 November 2013

[S891.Ebook] Get Free Ebook Introduction to Pharmacology, 12th Edition, by Mary Kaye Asperheim, Justin Favaro

Get Free Ebook Introduction to Pharmacology, 12th Edition, by Mary Kaye Asperheim, Justin Favaro

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Introduction to Pharmacology, 12th Edition, by Mary Kaye Asperheim, Justin Favaro

Introduction to Pharmacology, 12th Edition, by Mary Kaye Asperheim, Justin Favaro

Introduction to Pharmacology, 12th Edition, by Mary Kaye Asperheim, Justin Favaro

Get Free Ebook Introduction to Pharmacology, 12th Edition, by Mary Kaye Asperheim, Justin Favaro

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Introduction to Pharmacology, 12th Edition, by Mary Kaye Asperheim, Justin Favaro

Administer drugs safely and prevent drug errors with accurate, up-to-date drug information! Concise and easy to understand, Introduction to Pharmacology, 12th Edition provides drug monographs with key information such as generic and trade names, indications, common adverse effects, and typical adult and pediatric dosages. Drug entries are organized by classification, and include the newest FDA-approved drugs. Coverage of special situations highlights the unique issues of drug therapy in children, pregnant and nursing women, and older adults. To provide a solid foundation for safe practice, authors Mary Asperheim Favaro and Justin Favaro also address the principles of pharmacology and the basic math needed to calculate drug dosages.

  • Straightforward, easy-to-digest drug monographs focus on essential information including drug names (both generic and trade), need-to-know drug information, and typical drug dosages.
  • Math review refreshes your knowledge of basic math and provides practice in drug dosage calculation.
  • Considerations boxes highlight the unique safety issues of drug therapy in children, pregnant and nursing women, and older adults.
  • Clinical Implications in each chapter relate drug content to safe and effective drug administration and patient teaching.
  • Herb Alert boxes highlight herb-drug interactions and contraindications for the safety of patients relying on complementary and alternative therapies.
  • Critical Thinking Questions in most chapters let you apply concepts to realistic clinical situations and issues.
  • Review Questions at the end of each chapter help you assess your mastery of the material, with answers in the back of the book.
  • UNIQUE! Drug Therapy in Women chapter addresses the special considerations of drug therapy in women.
  • UNIQUE! Molecular and Targeted Therapies chapter covers emerging drugs that are aimed at specific tissues, genes, and target organs. 
  • Updated drug information keeps you current with the most recent FDA drug approvals and withdrawals, as well as changes in indications, therapeutic uses and warnings.
  • NEW Drug Therapy in Children chapter discusses drug therapy for ADHD, immunizations, and allergies.
  • NEW Interactions chapter covers drug-drug, drug-herb, drug-food, and drug-condition interactions, along with drug toxicity.
  • Expanded content on drug therapy in women addresses chronic fatigue syndrome, postpartum depression, drug safety during pregnancy and lactation, migraine preventative therapy, menstrual abnormalities, and menopause.

  • Sales Rank: #98128 in Books
  • Brand: Brand: Saunders
  • Published on: 2011-10-11
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 10.50" h x 8.25" w x .50" l, 1.27 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 304 pages
  • Used Book in Good Condition


"This text is a useful and updated resource explaining the basics of pharmacology...There are discussions on critical thinking and general questions at the end of each section that support the content and help with understanding and reflection...The content is useful, straightforward and readily understandable...this is an excellent text for students and practitioners wanting to learn about the basics of pharmacology or to revise their knowledge of the subject."

Nursing Standard, 25-31 Jul 2012

About the Author
Mary Kaye Asperheim Favaro, MD, Staff Physician, Smith Medical Clinic, Pawleys Island, SC; Formerly Instructor of Pharmacology, St. Louis University School of Nursing and Health Services, St. Louis, MO

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Book was ok.
By sandie torgersen
I ordered the book for a pharmacology class. Delivery time was about average, I got it in time for my class. However, the first ten pages were all torn up like they went through a shredder. I had to keep the book, though, because like I said, I needed it for my class and couldn't wait to send it back and get another one.

The book itself was good, useful detailed drug information on med safety, administration, classifications. It did the trick for me to get an A in this class.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
& the seller are terrific! Thanks a million
By Janis Jackson
Looks good-I'm excited! This will help me get back into Med. Record Coding. Looks more interesting & accessible than the other book I ordered. Finally, a new book with all the perks- -like computer access! Amazon.com, authors, & the seller are terrific! Thanks a million!

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Covers the Basics
By Living In SoCal
This book isn't in-depth. It covers the basics, and the book does so in a way you can understand. It does not seem geared towards a class that requires a more extensive knowledge of pharmacology. This textbook is being used by my medical coding class to give us an overview of pharmacology. The chapters are relatively short.

See all 33 customer reviews...

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Introduction to Pharmacology, 12th Edition, by Mary Kaye Asperheim, Justin Favaro PDF

Introduction to Pharmacology, 12th Edition, by Mary Kaye Asperheim, Justin Favaro PDF

Introduction to Pharmacology, 12th Edition, by Mary Kaye Asperheim, Justin Favaro PDF
Introduction to Pharmacology, 12th Edition, by Mary Kaye Asperheim, Justin Favaro PDF

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